Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: You Are God Alone by William McDowell

DailyPills: You Are God Alone by William McDowell


Anchor Song: You Are God Alone
Artist: William McDowell
URL: http://tinyurl.com/gpeclm9

Information: knowledge acquired through study, experience or instruction.
Misinformation: an incorrect information.
Just think about it, the person who gets informed and the other who gets misinformed both go through a similar process, they probably felt the same way through the process, but because the knowledge gained by one is wrong, they get different results.

Have you met people who think an evil spirit is behind everything? Those who see every cat as demon possessed, when they can't find their pen, they assume someone took it to harm them, those who cannot see a cockroach or any other insect in their room without wondering who sent it, have you stopped to wonder how they became like that?

Matthew 13:25 - but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away[ESV]. In this parable of the weeds, the enemy mentioned here is not your own enemy, but the master, God's enemy.

You see, if you interpret every event considering what the devil trying or not trying to do, then I think there is some misinformation going on somewhere, it means you've been feeding more on things that glorify the devil than things that glorify God.

All these videos and messages that circulate online from time to time analyzing demonic operations or detailing different bad experiences are not really very helpful, because when you consume such too much, you'd start interpreting your own experiences in a similar way.

If God is so mind-ful of you, then I think it makes sense for you to be equally mind-ful of Him because you become whatever your mind is full of. God Bless You!

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