Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Search My Heart by Hillsong

DailyPills: Search My Heart by Hillsong


Anchor Song: Search My Heart
Artist:  Hillsong
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jbcjxtt

No matter the technique you use in extracting the juice from bitter leaf, it can never taste like orange juice. And no matter what you do, lime juice will never taste like mango juice. Likewise, whenever you do things that you are not proud of during a provocation, don't blame it on any other person, just admit that whatever it is you did, is an unknown part of you that must be dealt with.

I'm sure you must have heard people say things like "he/she made me do it", they say or do something wrong them claim the other person provoked that unpleasant attitude out of them, but I'd like to ask, can you provoke a cat to the point where it would bark at you? Oh... I hope you see my point of view, that you can't give it if you don't have it, either good or bad.

Luke 6:45 - It’s the same with people. A person full of goodness in his heart produces good things; a person with an evil reservoir in his heart pours out evil things. The heart overflows in the words a person speaks; your words reveal what’s within your heart[VOICE].

Therefore, don't ever blame your bad behavior on anyone else, just admit that the person only revealed things hidden in your heart. Doing this will put your in a better position to effectively deal with those unpleasant behaviors so that they don't occur next time. God Bless You!

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