DailyPills: Much of You by Steven Curtis Chapman


Anchor Song: Much Of You
Artist: Steven Curtis Chapman
URL: http://tinyurl.com/ktw7k5u

My favorite kind of music are songs that not only sound sweet to the ears, but also have positively thought provoking lyrics, and the song anchored above is a good description of such. My discovery of this song is a testament to my belief  that everyone should listen to their music in shuffle mode from time to time, you'd be surprised at some songs you never knew you had.

So while on a bus some nights ago and my music was playing on shuffle, a song came up that captures what has my heart cry for some time now, and I fell in love with the song right away.  I had to ask myself again while listening to this song, what have I done with all God has given to me?

Ephesians 1:3 - How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who HAS blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ[TLB].

If indeed God HAS blessed us with all the blessing in heaven, I want to make much of that, if it is true that goodness and mercies are constantly following me, I want to make much of that, if God daily loads us with benefits, I don't want any of the benefits to ever be wasted. The cross, and the grace that came through it, I need to make much of that. Lord, I've given you my life, "take it and let it be used to make much of YOU". God Bless You!

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