
DailyPills: Mary Did You Know by Vanessa Bell Armstrong


Anchor Song: Mary, Did You Know
Artist: Vanessa Bell Armstrong
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jnm3exm

Who could have imagined that the Man who's life would be the greatest of all would be born in such a simple way. I'm sure Jesus was not the only baby that was born that day, but how many other names of people that when born that long ago do you know? Hence, I need you to know that the simplicity of your birth and family does not and should not define the heights you'd attain.

Also, from the very day news broke that the baby Jesus was born, someone made it his personal assignment to make sure His life was terminated as soon as possible. Does it seem like you have a similar experience? Maybe you've been told that some people were not happy at your birth, guess what, you are not alone, so was it with Jesus. So even if there are people who have decided not to like you, their hatred is not strong enough to stop what God has ordained for you. Just like God was there to direct Joseph and Mary so as to preserve the Child's life, Jesus is playing that role now, preserving your life both known and unknown harm.

Isaiah 9:6 - Hope of all hopes, dream of our dreams, a child is born, sweet-breathed; a son is given to us: a living gift. And even now, with tiny features and dewy hair, He is great. The power of leadership, and the weight of authority, will rest on His shoulders. His name? His name we’ll know in many ways— He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Dear Father everlasting, ever-present never-failing, Master of Wholeness, Prince of Peace[VOICE].

Jesus came to fulfill this prophecy above, and He didn't just do it when He was physically present on earth, but continues the same in the life of every believer, making the difference between your beginning and your end like that between night and day. Therefore, I hope you see that you have no reason not to rejoice, because today we celebrate the birth of the One who's life is the game changer for everyone who'd receive Him, and if you haven't received Jesus, today would be a good day to. Merry Christmas. God Bless You!

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