Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Nothing Is Impossible by Smokie Norful

DailyPills: Nothing Is Impossible by Smokie Norful


Anchor Song: Nothing Is Impossible
Artist: Smokie Norful
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jeuxygn

What does Christmas mean to you? One of the patterns very evident in the Bible is the fact that one person can decide to attached a special significance to a routine activity and get a supernatural result. For example, many people touched Jesus the day the woman with the issue of blood did, but the touch from that woman was different, and something supernatural followed. Likewise,while Christmas has become a popular and routine celebration, you can decide to go beyond the normal and get a supernatural result even in this season.

So, while the world joins us in the celebration of the birth of our saviour and King, I'd also like you to focus on the fact that giving birth to the supernatural is at the core of the celebrations in this season. What we are celebrating is something that had never happened in creation up until that point, so if you are believing God for something big, something you don't even have any history to back up, this is a good time to plug in.

No woman had ever given birth to a child without sexual relationship with a man but with Mary, it happened for the first time. This doesn't mean anyone can just think up whatever they desire and say they want God to make it happen. A prophecy had gone forth many years before that a virgin would conceive a child, and Mary was the favoured one to fulfill it. In the same way, I believe there are prophecies relevant for this age and time waiting to be fulfilled, prophecies sitting in the Bible waiting for someone to plug in.

Acts 10:34 - Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism[NLT].

This means what God did for Mary, He can also do for you. Therefore, it's a season of joy, it's a season to merry, but it's also a season of receiving from God. If you can find and believe for it, God can do the impossible for/in you. Compliments of the Season. God Bless You!

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