
DailyPills: You Are Everything by Tye Tribbett


Anchor Song: You Are Everything
Artist: Tye Tribbett
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jbcswwd
I'm sure you'd agree that an athlete's approach towards workouts would be different from that of a person doing it just to keep fit. The commitment, the dedication, the intensity that each individual would be willing to commit can't be the same. While looking good and healthy might be good enough for one person, the athlete knows he has to push his body as much as possible, possibly to the point where he can break records.
1 Corinthians 9:25 says - You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally[MSG]. Now, if the Bible encourages us to run with the aim of winning gold, it also means we are expected to do what it takes to win Gold. The Olympics is just a few weeks away, if I start training today,  do you think I stand a chance of winning the 100m gold? Almost impossible, right? Good!
The point is that even if you don't have anything pressing you are asking God for as at today, your fellowship should remain. Heaven is our ultimate goal, and since we don't know when it would time to go, the best thing is for you to live ready. Also, why wait for a need to arise before you start doing your spiritual workout to meet that need, it's better you are spiritually fit at all times. Lastly, God made you and I so that we can be His BFF(Best friend forever), so when we don't fellowship I believe He misses us. If there is one BFF I don't ever want to lose, it's God, or do you? Hence, no matter how good or not so good life is for you right, staying away from God is not an option. God Bless You!
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