
Fumi and Masi: THe WEDDING



A while ago, the beautiful proposal story of friendship, love and service between Fumi and Masi was shared on here. (Click here if you missed the post). This amazing couple's story of how they met has
encouraged a lot of people to keep their faith in God and trust in the power of love. 
Here is the concluding part of their amazing story and their wedding pictures.

Lovely Cathedral

Bride and Bridesmaids


While our relationship has been filled of mostly good, there have also been lots of hardships. The hardest challenge that we had to deal with was combining cultures. Masi is the only son and grandson so his family had high hopes of him marrying a Polynesian girl and continuing the traditions. And Masi even told me that he never even thought about marrying outside of the culture until we started dating seriously. So it was a struggle to figure out what traditions we want to carry on and how we want to raise our children, etc. My parents went through a similar experience so it was nice having them to rely on for guidance and insights. My dad was born in Nigeria and my mom is American. My mom tells me that growing up she had never even seen a black person before, so having her family love and accept my father took some years but their love has never faltered.
My advice for others going through similar experiences of marrying outside your culture would be to make sure you have someone who loves you completely, who knows you and who will always stand by you, during the good and tough times. It was really strengthening to Masi and I knowing that even if others didn’t want us to get married or be together, Masi chose me and loved me and I chose and loved him. We knew that when we got married that we would “cleave unto [each other]: and [be] one flesh” (Genesis 2:24) and that has blessed us in unity, faith, and trust. 

The Groom

*inserts drool smiley*

Groom's Men


Most Memorable Moments
Our Wedding Day was perfect. It was a beautiful day of family, laughs, and many happy and grateful tears. When we were looking at each other moments before we were to say “I do”, we were overcome with the Holy Spirit as we felt that Christ was proud of us and that we made the right decision. I was so happy to know that neither death nor tragedy could separate us. We were officially forever, our souls were one. During the reception, we had a Polynesian dance and also a Nigerian couple’s dance with drums. It was a beautiful thing to celebrate both of our cultures. We always joke and say, “Nigeria meets Samoa”. How blessed are we that we live in a time that race and color can’t and shouldn’t keep love apart but that we can truly fall in love with someone who completes us, whatever color or race that they are or language they speak!


Excited Dad




Selfie Gang!





Bride with her parents





Bride with Mom and sisters

Aww. Cutest Guest








OH! Love so sweet, yet so young.
JIB wishes this couple a wonderful life filled with a love that is daily renewed like the blessings of God.

Would you also like to share your story and experiences, please send a mail to joyijehon@gmail.com?


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