
DailyPills: We The Victory by Theory Hazit


Anchor Song: We The Victory
Artist: Theory Hazit
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zvbeu83
Just before the children of Israel went in to take the promise land, through Moses, God reminded them, especially the adults who witnessed it, all the mighty works He did to free them from Egypt and keep them in the wilderness, then God commanded that when they get into the promise land, they must never forget to tell their children about it. God emphasized the it so much that it was more like God was saying their whole lives and conversations should be filled with memoirs of their past victories. Now, trying to relate this with what I see, doesn't just add up. What is the word on the street, what is the most common perception amongst the people, what are we constantly talking about?
One of the things that unsettles me as a young person is our lack of the knowledge of history, especially our past success stories, and even when you try to find out, you find several opinions you don't even know which to believe. Numbers 14:28 - So tell them, ‘This is what the Lord says. I heard what you said, and as surely as I live, I will do those very things to you[NCV].
So think about it, if God decides to enforce the verse above in this age and time, what do you think would be our fate? Don't hang the mindless words on unbelievers alone, are you sure you are not one of those believers saying the wrong things? I believe God has given us victories before, and instead of getting obsessed about the current challenges, I think it's time you and I start going over all the victories God has given us before, let it shape your conversations as much as possible because I strongly believe, that victory belongs to those who won't let failure reign over their lips. God Bless You!
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