
DailyPills: All I Need Is You by Jesus Culture


Anchor Song: All I Need Is You
Artist: Jesus Culture
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hsxzall
Something strange happened yesterday. You see, for a larger part of the last few years , I've been going to the same salon to get my hair fixed almost on a weekly basis and these are the constants every time you walk into that barber's shop: VERY loud music, lots of teenagers and young adults(mostly guys, but girls come around from time to time), and alcohol. My barber is the kinda guy that likes to get his groove on, especially on Friday nights which is when I often cut my hair, so I've gotten used to seeing him take a few shots before he gets down to work.
However, just yesterday, I walked into the same shop and something was different. The music was still very loud, but for the first time since I can remember, my barber had a playlist of Christ centered songs blasting through his speakers. I was definitely surprised, but I kept quiet. Then it occurred to me, that throughout the time I was there, neither him, nor any of the guys in the shop had anything alcoholic, another strange sight. Typically, that shop is the only place I get exposed to the most uncensored songs I've ever been exposed to, it's the only place I've ever had to hear the most uncensored convo I couldn't block my ears from, and it's the same place I get to see the new trends of getting high, but yesterday, all that was absent. As I left that shop yesterday, these things struck my heart - indeed, every heart has a void that only God can fill and music can change a man, positively or negatively.
Luke 19:10 says - The Son of Man came to find lost people and save them[NCV]. So while we enjoy the privilege of knowing Jesus, let's not forget He's interested in saving the lost also, and if there's a lost soul you can gift a Christ centered song to, please do, because God can use something as simple as a song to change a man's life. God Bless You!
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