Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: First Love by Kirk Franklin

DailyPills: First Love by Kirk Franklin


Anchor Song: First Love
Artist: Kirk Franklin
Sometimes, I think we Christians need to be reminded that Jesus didn't start loving us when we gave
our lives to Christ, He loved us even before then, and the same also applies to everyone who is yet to give their lives to Christ.
Word came out some months ago that Kirk Franklin had plans to do a song with Kanye West and the church world went ballistic, many criticizing Kirk for such a move. When I read Kirk's statement, what touched the most was when he said it's surprising how Christians could throw a fellow brother under the bus even before the recording or release of a single song. Now it's Lecrae's turn as criticisms have started pouring in following the announcement of a deal between his label and another mainstream record label, we don't know the details of the deal, but many are ready to crush a brother for it.
Is it not possible for us to pray for these people when they make these unconventional moves? Is that too much to ask for? If we draw a line of works that "sinners" must cross before we can associate with them, how then do they see and feel the love of God. I know we should be careful not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, but let's also have in mind what Jesus said after He was criticized for going to Zacchaeus' house, Luke 19:10 - Indeed, the Son of Man has come to seek and to save people who are lost"[GW]. Why should we use only our words to point people to Jesus, when we can also draw them in with our love. Therefore, the least you can do is to pray that whenever collaborations like a Kirk - Kanye comes up, it will lead to the salvation of the lost, and the not the loss of the saved. 
God Bless You!

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