
DailyPills: God's Got It by J Moss


Anchor Song: God's Got It 
Artist: J Moss 
I stopped wishing for a good job when my teacher taught me that the kind of job I start out with doesn't determine where I end up, provided I allow God into my activities. This teaching didn't just cure me of regrets, it also removed dissatisfaction from my heart because I now see that God is present at every phase in life, ready to deliver the same expected end, irrespective of where you started from. 
Looking at the Bible, let's connect the job opportunities available today with Bible Characters. 
Daniel was the guy that got the "good" paying job. More like the entry level job from a multinational organization, with accommodation, transportation and feeding. The kind of job where you have a 1yr or more training program after which confirmation comes. 
For Jacob, his job was more like an apprenticeship. He worked for Laban  for several years, doesn't seem like he had any form of benefits attached to the job, except for the hope that when it was time to leave, the boss would settle him. 
Joseph's job seems to be the more common type. Nothing spectacular, a place you'd wish/hope you had a better offer but since none is forth coming just yet, you decided to start off right there. Regular promotion is available on the job, but it still doesn't match the dream in your heart. 
No matter who you are reading this, your current job falls under one of the 3 categories listed above (except you run your own business). I don't want you to just see yourself at the state pictured above, you know their stories, I need you to also see yourself where they ended up. It would be hard to identify who was more successful, but we are definitely sure that they were all successful. 

Deuteronomy 28:8 says - The Lord will command the blessing on you in your barns and in all that you undertake. And he will bless you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you[ESV]. The blessing that guarantees productivity is on you and not on the job, so even if you are in a "desert", that blessing can't tell the difference, it just keeps working.Therefore, don't be discouraged with where you are, you can get to anywhere you desire from where you are right now, just put you mind in it, get productive and let God lead the way. 
God Bless You! 
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