
DailyPills: Mercy by Patrick Ryan Clark


Anchor Song: Mercy 
Artist: Patrick Ryan Clark 
Just imagine what it would mean if the ONLY way to turn on EVERY generator is by the mechanical process of pulling, what would that look like? I can just imagine the scene in my office every morning, considering the size of our generator, it means every staff would resume at the generator house, then all of us would pull the rope together[that’s if we don’t even call on customers to join in the pulling]. It also means every church would have to create a special task force for pulling generators. 
I saw someone tuning on a big generator the other day and it was so easy, all he had to do was push a button and the massive generator fired up, something my little niece can do with little explanation. So many of us are believing and anticipating a massive move of God’s power in our lives, but do not know that the switch that turns on many of these manifestations are seemingly simple acts of kindness and mercy, so while God has stored up a lot, we are busy looking for big triggers not knowing the small switches work even better. 
When Abraham decided to help strangers he saw walking in the desert, I believe he didn’t see anything super “spiritual” about it, he just felt the need to help, not knowing they were angels. While you are looking for people with wings before you know God has sent you an angel, do you know how many might have come your way as normal everyday people/activities? Jesus told His disciples in Mark 9:41 - If anyone so much as gives you a cup of water because you are Christ's-I say this solemnly-he won't lose his reward[TLB]. So, even if you eventually don’t bump into an angel, is that verse not enough reason to help people with every chance you get? I’m not saying you should make enough change to give to every beggar on the road, I’m just saying, every time you see a need and your heart is moved, go for it! God Bless You! 

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