
DailyPills: All Bow Down by Chris Tomlin


Anchor Song: All Bow Down
Artist: Chris Tomlin
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hc2zyls
All through the Bible, you will find clues of what  God expects our lives to look like when we open
up to Him, and you and I need to start embracing these things. A good example of such clues is this popular Bible story; the Ark of God in the house of dagon.
You see, what happened was that the children of Israel went to battle with the Philistines and lost, then the Philistines captured the Ark of God and took it to the house of dagon, a god in one of their cities. By the time they woke up the following morning, they found the image of dagon lying face down before the Ark of God. They erected the image back to it's normal position and left, but by the time they returned the day after, they didn't just find their god, dagon, lying face down before the Ark, they saw that the head and arms of the image had been cut off and were on the threshold. Basically, God fell the image's hand.
1 Corinthians 3:16 says - Don’t you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?[GW]. In other words, don't you know that the same Spirit that operated through that Ark of God now lives within you, or do you think that Spirit has lost His abilities? Therefore, just like in the illustration above, when the world system stands before you, don't you think they should bow because of the Spirit that lives within you? I put it to you that the Spirit of God is always willing and ready to fall the hands of every ungodly opposition so that the superior wisdom of God might be made manifest, but the question is, are you ready to be used by Him at such a level? God Bless You!
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