Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Just Like You by Lecrae

DailyPills: Just Like You by Lecrae


Anchor Song: Just Like You
Artist: Lecrae
URL http://tinyurl.com/go28f5f
Not all pretty ladies believe they are truly pretty, but when you see one who really has an idea of how pretty she is, you can tell it from a distance by her confidence and composure. I’ve met a few of such, and BB was definitely one of them. The combination of her good looks and her top notch fashion sense oils every stiff neck enough to turn when she is around, and the way she rolls around in that her lovely car just adds a little extra to her awesomeness.
It wasn’t surprising to find boys flock around girls like BB, but I must say that I was a little surprised to hear that if she liked you enough, you might get some “benefits” with her friendship. How did I know that? Well, most boys that play around take pleasure in telling others about their escapades. So, though I wasn’t close to BB, I simply labelled her as a “friends with benefits” kinda girl.
Now, it five years later, I saw BB at a Christian gathering and she hasn’t lost a tiny bit of her awesomeness. When my friend who just met her hinted he was getting interested, I didn’t know when I chocked, giving him that “you don’t know that girl” look. It was when my friend asked what was wrong with her that I realised I still had the same label from 5yrs ago on BB, a label that was based on what someone said. Even if everything I heard about BB 5yrs ago was true, what does it matter if she indeed has given her life to Christ? I noticed Jesus never asked people to change before coming to Him, it is “Christians” that tend to set minimum standards before they accept others as fellow believers. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says - When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun![TLB]. In conclusion, let me quickly say that the only real character in the story above is me, every other person only exists in my head. However, I hope you can relate to this, and learn to take off the labels you have placed on people, because no matter who they were, God only sees us all as who we can be – like Jesus. God Bless You!
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