Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Beautiful Offering by Big Daddy Weave

DailyPills: Beautiful Offering by Big Daddy Weave


Anchor Song: Beautiful Offering 
Artist: Big Daddy Weave 
Can you just imagine that awkward moment when just before praying for the offering, the person
leading the prayer says "let's all boldly wave our offerings before God", in a place where there are no offering envelops, and on a day that you either do not have cash at all, or the last cash on you is less than 100naira. You see, one of the things I've noticed is that the people who say these things always have high denominations to wave, and it seems like they know the day you are low on cash. So today, let's talk about offering. 
Besides the scenario painted above, I have also heard several people say that they set a minimum amount that they give as offering every time that they have to give. Some even say they increase it at the beginning of the year as a sign of their faith that God will increase them financially that year. Cool, beautiful, I actually have nothing against all these things, in fact, I've tried to do some myself, but my question is, what happens when for some reason, you just cannot meet up with that minimum amount? What happens when, even though you have the desire to give more, what you have at the moment doesn't come close to your desire? 
2 Corinthians 8:12 says -  If you are really eager to give, then it isn’t important how much you have to give. God wants you to give what you have, not what you haven’t[TLB]. You see, I know not having enough to give as you would have loved to can be annoying, but can I just remind you that God perfectly understands. Remember what Jesus said about the widow who gave all the little she had, that little, made a big difference in God's eye. In the words of my teacher, your offering or even tithe is not a dept you owe God, it's simply your sign of respect and trust in His ability. Ever since, I got this, it didn't matter even if all I have to give is 20naira, I just make sure I give. Yes, I might not feel good about it, but giving to God is not about feeling good, it's about doing good. 
God Bless You! 
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