
DailyPills: Start Again by Red


Anchor Song: Start Again
Artist: Red
URL: http://tinyurl.com/z5zxrv2
Can I just ask you one last thing for 2015, thanks. Can you honestly make a mental note of what you spend most of your time doing[especially online], and also the things you forgo in order to do that thing[opportunity cost], then ask yourself, which of them is more beneficial to your future? 
I read a post a friend of mine shared on FB yesterday which highlighted the opportunity cost of current social media behavioural patter of many youths in our dear country. It suggests that there seems to be a deliberate attempt to inhibit the productivity of most young people by focusing their attention on things that add no tangible value but drains their energy. If you doubt our creativity level, then go on twitter and look at the way we use short phrases and images to pass our messages across, but why is it that we only spend such creativity on insulting our leaders and arguing about things that most times have no economic advantage. E.g the post I mentioned suggests that while many of us are spending our brain energy yabbing and cursing about the landing price of fuel, the prize of the naira to the dollar, and other things like that, our mates in the US and the UK are thinking up the next Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 
Reading that article then reminded me, that when God wanted to stop the work on the “tower of Babel”, He didn’t make the people idle, He just made them disorganised. It’s a common saying that “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop”, but I also think that a man engaged in an unproductive labour is not very far from an idle man. Ecclesiastes 10:15 says - The labor of fools wearies them, For they do not even know how to go to the city![NKJV] 
Therefore, as we enter into a new year, ensure that you value those things that add value to your future, else, you will be living in the past when that future arrives. 
God Bless You and Happy New Year!!! 
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