


Beauty In Dark Times

Darkness literally means a complete or partial absence of light. Light brings vision, clarity, happiness, joy, hope, peace, good tidings and all the wonderful things in life are heralded in by light.

However, no matter how bright our lights can be, situations, issues of life, challenges etc. ,often times could dim our light, making the light  get darker and eventually leads to a total blackout. This period in our lives is called DARK TIMES
It's okay to pass through these times because it prepares us for a brighter future. When Job passed through the darkest time of his life, his faith was tried, God made him pass through all He did to bring the best out of him. When he scaled through, he became a true definition of a beauty of dark times. His later was greater than his past (Job 42:10-17)

Beauty In Dark Times

The darkest time of every mother is when she is in labor; however there is no word apt enough to describe the immense joy that hearing the cry of her baby brings. The sense of fulfillment and having to hold in her hands, the being she’d steadily built a bond with over nine months, wipes away all traces of the labor pains. That glow is the untouched beauty borne of dark times. 
It’s easier to say endure dark times and hold on for the joyous outcome at the end, but what about the bitterness that is borne out of the seemingly unending bad occurrences. How does one keep the good faith and not slide into bitterness? The resentment that comes with failing, of losing all you had, of striving to reach that elusive status of comfort?

Beauty In Dark Times

Bitterness, more often than not, colours us for the rest of our lives if not consciously wrestled. When it feels like all things are going south for you, hold your own and keep giving your best. Cry as hard as you want, vent your frustration however you can, but don’t sink low into that bottomless pit. Let it all out whenever the urge to hits you, but don’t let your light fizzle into darkness. 
In spite of the dark times, endeavour to guide your light so it doesn’t get lost in the darkness. The challenges and issues you encounter refines you, gives you more knowledge than you’d have gotten otherwise and above all, builds you for the beauty sure to come out of these dark times.
For example, Job prayed for his friends even though they were getting largely on his nerves, his wife wanted him to renounce God so he could be free of his ailment. He had lost everything else, except for these people, yet he couldn’t get any comfort from them. I know I would have just found a way to get back at them if I were in his shoes; but because he was conscious of the light he bore, he decided not to be soiled by the dark times he faced and kept his heart set on the beauty that could be found in his darkness.
Beauty In Dark Times

Have you ever wondered why mothers still find the energy to push their young’uns into the world in spite of the pain? Giving up at that crucial time, at that point of near triumph, succumbing to the pain and not giving a hoot about their infant could go wrong in more ways than we care to consider, including loss of life. That is exactly how bitterness rips off more than our carefully laid out goals and aspirations, bitterness also leave a trail of negativity that affects the very essence of our lives, our core values and statutes. 
Succumbing to this thorn is what causes the total black out, it shields us from fully experiencing the beauty that comes after the dark phase.
Beauty In Dark Times

Always remember darlings that after our not-so-good times, comes our blessings. Things might be falling apart, our dreams our smile, our courage all fading away, but these are only signs that there are gonna be testimonies, that you’re close to gold; if we are patient enough to trust God because He has the perfect plans for us. Keep your head up high, trust in God, things will fall in place.
The dark time is never forever, it is a route which would surely bring us to an expected end. As the saying goes, there is  light at the end of every tunnel, that tunnel is the dark phase.
Be steadfast in your faith and works, consciously make efforts to avoid bitterness and/or resentment, then triumph victoriously as an overwhelming beauty of the dark times spiced with honor and flawless grace.

Article by: Adeoye Favour
Photo Credits: Desmond Ijehon


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