
JIB Retro: Greater Days Ahead


JIB Retro

Today is the last day of a great year! Thankful for all sorts and even more than I could ever form into words. In the spirit of thankfulness, here is Favor Oluwatobi's account on how the year was filled
with blessings upon blessing....
If you missed the previous JIB Retro Posts, here are the previous entries: Joy Ijehon, Adeola Oladele

2015 has been quite an amazing year!
Entering into the year, I had little or no new year resolutions, I only hoped for a fabulous year  like everyone else. 
I continued with my pre-degree programme in Obafemi Awolowo University which I had started in last quarter of the previous year. Pre-degree had its ups n downs but through it all, God saw me through. Therefore sometime next year, I would be going for my first degree programme in Law. *inserts grin*
A little while after my pre-degree programme ended, my family was engrossed with lotta issues...I was gon' give up, but then Jesus showed up and turned all our worries to peace. I realised I had found a friend of friends, someone who loved me, flaws n all....Then I drew closer and closer to Him, my prayer life started to improve, I started meditating on His word and my life became beautiful again!
I knew this was the turning point of my life, I started seeing that the future could only be better, I became an inspiration to myself and everyone around me. I saw myself grow in all aspects! Yes I could feel it!....
I became a better singer, daughter, sister and friend......
And guess what?!
Everything fell right back in place. I was good,my family was good, I had good relationships with great friends, dreams turned to realities...
What more could I have asked for in 2015!
Now I believe with all my heart that 2016 will be greater, afterall one with God is a majority....

If you'd love to share your retro note with us, it is not too late to share the thrills, triumphs, challenges, hurdles, pains and excitement of the year. Just type your view of how the year 2015 went for you and send to joyijehon@gmail.com.

Happy New Year Darls!!!!


Photo Credits: Google Images

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