DailyPills: I Worship You by Mary Mary


Anchor Song: I Worship You 
Artist: Mary Mary 
I heard some guys broke into a fashion store somewhere *France I think*, but decided not to steal anything from it. Instead, they switched the tags on the clothes, they made a swap of the tags on the cheap and expensive clothes, placing the tags on the cheap items on the expensive ones and vice versa. By the time the store opened for business, all the customers who came into the store bought the right items for the wrong prices. Even though many were surprised, they believed the store owners who placed the tags would know better. This went on for a while, until one of the attendants figured out all the items were wrongly tagged. #Stolen 
I was going through a devotional on the You version mobile app titled "(Un)Qualified" and it said; God told Moses when He wanted to go rescue God's people from Egypt that "I AM" has sent you. God could say this because He is everything and everywhere we want Him to be at the same time. However, for you and I, we need to add a 3rd word to "I Am" for the phrase to be complete, which is where we tag ourselves wrongly. 
The moment you say I AM - weak, a failure, good for nothing, a mistake, hopeless, unqualified, heartbroken, stupid, unintelligent, a sinner, dull, poor, etc, how then do you want anyone to price you differently? 
Matthew 12:37 says - The words you have said will be used to judge you. Some of your words will prove you right, but some of your words will prove you guilty”[NCV]. 
Therefore, every time you tagged yourself, why not ask, would God have placed this tag on me. I know some would say, I'm only trying to say "the truth", but don't forget that irrespective of what you think about a device, only the manufacturer can say the truth about it. God has tags for you, find it! God Bless You! 
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