DailyPills: Amaze Me by Vashawn Mitchell


Anchor Song: Amaze Me 
Artist: Vashawn Mitchell 
Henceforth, there's absolutely nothing called a "good job", every job is good. That statement  doesn't seem correct, right? So I thought too when my teacher said so in class yesterday, but now, I agree with him. I can imagine someone would like to ask, so what do I call my friend's job where he earns 300k monthly as compared to mine where I earn 50k monthly? 
I know, we all want good paying jobs, everyone wants to earn enough to live a comfortable life. However, we get tempted to value our job solely based on how much money we generate from it now, and in most cases this makes us undervalue what we do. E.g Joseph's job wasn't really a "good job", or do you think any job in prison can be "good"? But he did it well, he was't paid to interpret dreams but he did it, and you know what came out of that. 
What you must understand is that a job might not be bringing in a lot of cash now, but there is something it will be adding to you that will be of great value and bring in the cash eventually. God does not love the man that earns 300k more  than the man that earns 60k, and the only way that can be true is that God must have placed the same value in each person's life. However, while one person's value is visible, another person's value might be "in the making". 2 Chronicles 16:9a says - For the eyes of the Lord search back and forth across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him, so that he can show his great power in helping them[TLB]. 
Therefore, every job is good, but it takes giving your best to see the best that jobs has to offer. Like in the parable of the talents, take every job like a talent God has given you to trade with and do your best with it. That job might not be what you want, it might not be where you think you should be, but how will God launch you from there when you won't even bring Him glory by doing your best? As long as God can use it, then I can tell you that job is good enough, just go and do your best at all times. 
God Bless You! 
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