DailyPills: Responsibility by 116 Clique


Anchor Song: Responsibility 
Artist: 116 Clique 
Ever wondered why teenagers are often referred to as being so annoying? According to Bishop T. D. Jakes, he said most teenagers act the way they do because they are in between two entirely different destinations – childhood and adulthood. They have become too big to fit into the characteristics of a child but are still too young to embrace the responsibility of being an adult. 
As an active member of my campus fellowship, I found out that people complain more about how loving people in the fellowship were around their third year. I discovered that the problem was simple, people who were older focused more on making the newest members feel welcomed, and as each level grows and the older ones graduate, some of the younger people they left behind starts complaining about the love vacuum instead of reproducing the circle of love with those behind them. 
“When I was a child” were the words that rang in my head when I woke up this morning, and I knew it must be for a reason. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says - It's like this: when I was a child I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does. But when I became a man my thoughts grew far beyond those of my childhood, and now I have put away the childish things[TLB]. If you ask me, one of the reasons we are where we are as a nation or even continent, is the fact that we have too many adults who have not put the childish things. Too many of us hold the government responsible for everything, even for the gutter that is blocked in front of our house because of the trash  we threw in their. Like a child, we want to enjoy the benefits of things we are not ready to take responsibility for. Just so you know, the richest people in the world today are those that saw something out of place, and decided to take responsibility for it, so if you wanna be like them, find something out of place around you and make it your responsibility to fix it. God Bless You! 
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