DailyPills: Letting Go by Jeremy Camp


Anchor Song: Letting Go
Artist: Jeremy Camp
URL: http://tinyurl.com/j3gklwm
Just in case you also thought  it is the weather during dry seasons that dries up the leaves on trees, let me then let you know that you are wrong. I also thought that too until very recently when I read a post that educated me. You see, as the season changes and the dry weather gradually draws near, the trees themselves starts to re-absorb the nutrients in their leaves. When this is done, then they release hormones that cuts off their leaves, after which a protective layer grows over the exposed area. They do this  in preparation for the coming dry season, so that they can conserve as much water and energy as they can.
Hence, if trees have learnt how to let go of once valuable relationship for the greater good, who are we not to? I might have told you before that I used to be an advocate for “once close, always close”, I used to encourage that you should never let go of those that have been major players in your life at different points. But if that were true, then Abraham should have remained close to Lot and continue managing the “bad-belle” between the workers, right?
One of those things I have been learning as I continue to grow is the fact that experiences often serve as a fire that sometimes alter the fabrics of our core values, some for good and not so good for others. So, with more experiences come the tendency for more alteration, hence the initial person might have been beneficial to you, but what about the new person? Don’t forget Ecclesiastes 3:1 - There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven[NIV], and this must include friendships.
Therefore, you must learn when to let go of some of those connections in your life, because if you don’t, you may end up wasting the energy you need to build the future on those that can not take you there. God Bless You!
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