DailyPills: We Are Not Ashamed by Andrae Crouch


Anchor Song: We Are Not Ashamed
Artist: Andrae Crouch
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hmc8xse
It was just want a regular evening, and John’s plan was just to cool off with some green bottles at his favorite joint. While cooling off with the bottles, he made some calls and spoke in his local dialect. By the time he was done, some other guy at the joint started a conversation with him and they soon realized they were from the same part of the country. Happy to meet someone new, the new guy ordered more bottles, and by the end of the night, John had a new friend. After that night, the new guy started calling John every time he was hanging out with his other friends, and from all John could see, these guys are all big boys.
Few weeks down the line, John got a call from his friend, he knew he was calling him for the usual, but John was in church, so when he picked the call, he simply told the guy he was not around. When I heard John give this gist, he said something that bothered me, he said “I didn’t want to tell him I was in church because I didn’t want him to think I have betrayed our relationship by going to church”. John said this casually, the person he was gisting even agreed with him, and both of them didn’t seem to see anything wrong with what John had just said.
I’m sure if you ask John if he can deny Jesus, he would say an emphatic “no”, but is it just me or he has actually denied Jesus for some connections and some green bottles? Luke 9:26 says - If any of you is embarrassed with me and the way I'm leading you, know that the Son of Man will be far more embarrassed with you when he arrives in all his splendor in company with the Father and the holy angels. This isn't, you realize, pie in the sky by and by[MSG].
I pray that your love for Jesus will always go beyond words, but will show more in your deeds at all times in Jesus name. God Bless You!
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