DailyPills: I'm Alive by Deitrick Haddon


Anchor Song: I’m Alive
Artist: Deitrick Haddon
URL: http://tinyurl.com/j3vrduq 
Are you one of those that pays attention to a preacher only when he impresses you with things you
have not heard before? Well, I don’t mean to burst your bubble though, but I just need to let you know that the fact that you were impressed by the delivery of a message doesn’t mean that your life has been changed by even a milli-degree. You see, that fact that almost every life changing message makes you feel good doesn’t mean that every message that feels good is a life changing message.
There was a time when I used to think every verse in the Bible should have a universal meaning and application, meaning just like the definition of an atom in Nigeria is the same as the definition of an atom in Greece, the same thing should apply to biblical understanding. So each time a hear preacher B teaching about a verse preacher A teach, I would start comparing the two teachings in my mind and based on my analysis of who should know better, I would decide on whose teaching to hold on to. Don’t worry, it’s very okay for you to laugh at me, but I believe that there are people who were/are just like I was.
However, one thing you must understand is the fact that while the Word is universally acceptable, the understanding of these words are based on the environmental conditions of the heart of the hearer, and as these conditions vary, the understanding also gets better or worse. Hebrews 4:12 says - God's word is living and active. It is sharper than any two-edged sword and cuts as deep as the place where soul and spirit meet, the place where joints and marrow meet. God's word judges a person's thoughts and intentions[God’s Word]. The word of God is living, means it has the ability to grow, which also means the understanding can also grow. Hence, even if you hear a message a thousand times, God can actually show you something new every single time. God Bless You!
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