DailyPills: Making Me More by Derek Minor


Anchor Song: Making Me More 
Artist: Derek Minor 
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zoz4ofe 
How can you say you are truly Nigerian if you have never tasted “pap”, i.e ogi or akamu depending on what side of the country you grew up in. Well, the process of making pap crossed my mind some days for some reason I can’t even remember and while I thought about it, I saw something I think you would like to see as well. 
The pap making process starts with the soaking of the maize in water, after which the soaked maize is then grinded. Now, to get the pap out, a semi permeable membrane is tied over a big bowl or bucket, little portions of the grinded maize is placed on this semi-permeable membrane, and water is constantly added to the portion on the membrane while it is being stirred. What we call pap is not the substance is left on the semi-permeable membrane, but the substance that settles at the bottom of the bucket when the process has been completed and the particles left to settle. 
When I think about this pap making process, it brings to mind what God’s word does for you and I. Ephesians 5:26 says - to make it belong to God. Christ used the word to make the church clean by washing it with water[NCV]. Just as water separates the pap from the waste, so does God’s word separate us from the waste in our lives. This is one of the reason why you can afford to be far from the word, the Word brings out the best in you, continuously refines you, and makes sure that you are always at your best. God Bless You! 
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