



About two nights ago, I had a thought which has stayed with me till now. 
I had gotten off my bed to go pee or something before which I was thinking on how a lot of bad
events have occurred in my life between November last year and that night. Off the top of my head, I ticked off this and that and this other and that too. The way I could pull up these not so great events was so quick, it felt like I had pondered over them so much that they were at the forefront of my mind.

As I made to move off my bed, that was when it struck me! 

How did I get to this point where I had to dig deep to find something to be grateful for?
How is it that my attention has been about all that have gone wrong?
What about the blessings and testimonies?
Does that mean God has not been good to me?

These questions pointed me to the popular quote; “If you THINK, you will THANK” or something like that. My focus for the past months has been on how this or that happened to me when there are more blessings that have occurred in my life. 

I learned in that moment that I had to refocus, it was alright to work through my losses and everything that went wrong but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

I had stayed in this valley called INGRATITUDE/ SOB STORIES/ FEELING SORRY FOR MYSELF/ LOSSES COUNTER long enough, now I have to head out to the mountains. 

The minute I decided to move my attention from all the things that were gone and how disheartening the bad experiences were, I begun to see all the reasons that I needed to be grateful.
My life, my job, my family, my church, my growth, my businesses, my friends, my fans *inserts cheeky grin* et cetera are more than enough for me to be grateful for. 
The more I pondered on these aspects of my life, the more I found more testimonies in there that I had shoved behind the misery.

Fam, we need to be intentional about gratitude so that it doesn’t become lost on us like it was on me. When we are grateful, our energy level just shoots to a new high and bubbles over to those around us. Gratitude doesn’t erase the fact that bad things happen sometimes, it just enhances the ability to see the goodness that has flooded our lives in spite of. 


There are going to be days when we may feel too low to even be bothered, yeah? 

Just grab a pen and paper and make a list of ten things that you are grateful for. The more we try to fill up that list the more events and reasons for gratitude that will pop up in our minds.

I understand that life could be difficult but those who we think have it easier are really just grateful people who magnify the tiny blessings  so large that they overshadow the monstrous hindrance of ingratitude.

Photo Source: Google Images

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