



The aftermath of the terrifying experience I had brought a lot of questions from well wishers and, if I am being honest, from myself too. 
One of the most frequently asked question was “Why did you give them your correct ATM card
PIN?” Although, this question may be peculiar to the situation I was in but the motive behind remains the same for whatever situation one may encounter; “Why didn’t you outsmart your attacker?” or “Why did you fall for such a lie?” or “Why did you ignore the signs?” or “Why did you keep loving him/her for so long?”

Different situations but people keep asking how you were not ‘smart’ enough to do this or that and finding out what they could have done any better is really just imaginary. But this post is not about that, it is about how we have also asked ourselves these questions as we go through a trial or aftermath of a traumatic experience. 

While pondering on this issue, the Holy Spirit dropped an analogy in my heart and I thought to share it because it helped me bring to perspective what was more important. 

Holy Spirit: The things that were taken from you can be measured/calculated/quantified, right?
ME: Yes. I incurred losses close to 300K in that incident.
Holy Spirit: What is the value of your future though?
ME: *goes blank*
Holy Spirit: Exactly! Your future is a blank cheque so holding on to the things you feel are precious to you now are really not worth losing your life over. 

When I realized this, it was easier for me to heal form the anger and hurt I felt about the losses, especially after I heard other accounts of people who had gone through worse in the hands of these “ONE CHANCE” maniacs. Some tried to struggle and got beaten badly, others lied about their ATM card PINs and when found out were thrown off the bus, a lady I know lost her best friend because she had been thrown off the bus after being robbed.  
So if you are blaming yourself for not trying a little harder to outsmart the thieves, please stop it. The outcome could have been worse if you had attempted to and we really don’t want to find out what that could be like seeing how hard it is to overcome the after effects of the  bad experience.

From my experience, I have learned to always bear in mind that whenever we find ourselves in situations where people take from us, do not try to outsmart or fight or argue with your attackers because I presume you could never overpower them on your own.  Do not place yourself in the situation to be beaten, injured or even killed because when there is life, your future is really a blank cheque on which you can write anything you wish on and it would come through by the grace of God. But that’s only if we are alive to accomplish that. 

I am not saying that one should allow one's self to be attacked even if there is an opportunity to raise alarm or get out of there, nope. Won't it be better to just assess the situation quickly and if the odds are not in our favour, just give them the measurable material things that they are obviously after and not try to play hero or what not. 

Also, we need to stop holding on to the losses and what – ifs. We need to begin to look at ways to shed the bad emotions which came from the trauma. Ridding ourselves, no matter how long it takes, of the constant questioning and pondering over the 99 other ways the situation could have turned out would free us to harness opportunities which may be beneficial to our future. 
We need to understand that no matter how much the losses incurred are, they only took that which is measurable and can be counted, they can’t take one’s earning ability for example.  Let go of what is gone and reach out to what can be.


So my dear readers, those who took whatever they did from you, only took away things of measurable worth; but your future, the amazing opportunities which lay ahead of us are blank cheques. I know it may take a long while to get over the paranoia and emotional baggage that come with these kinds of situations, I also know that God has promised to supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. He has promised to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or even think to ask. 

We can only partake in these blessings on earth if we are here so when a person has a harmful weapon or the ability to cause harm in the process of a robbery, just let them have what they want because your future, and mine, are blank cheques. 

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  1. http://joyijehon.blogspot.com.ng/2017/08/jib-inspiration-blank-cheque.html


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