
JIB Inspiration: Unforgiveness


JIB Inspiration:  Unforgiveness

Those who know me know that I am the one to keep grudges for the United Nations. I can tell you exactly what so and so did to me which is why I won’t speak to them or won’t do this or that for them. A few years ago, if I didn’t like something you had done to me, I wouldn’t be able to look you
in the eyes. I would be so mad that looking at the person who had offended me would cause my eyes to get teary.

In recent times though, I just report them to someone else but the party involved because I hate confrontations. Sometimes, the offence is just something really minor that my imagination somehow blows out of proportion and hands back to me on a platter. 

But I’m uber sensitive like that and I’ve had some people tell me I get upset at the most surprising things…you see that’s one of the weaknesses of my temperament. 
Sometimes, I can’t even remember what caused the annoyance, all I know is that we’re not cool because they did something that offended me and that’s about that.


A few days to ago though, I saw someone’s profile read “Sit down, be humble” and on my way to work I was pondering on how this could be related to forgiving others or discarding the grudges that seem quite easy for me to hold on to. I remember exactly where I was while I wondered why people won’t say sorry or ask for forgiveness for when they offend others and a thought drifted into my heart in response to my questions. 

“Whether you forgive them or not, you didn’t go to the Cross for them neither would your forgiveness of their ‘sins’ bring salvation to the world”

JIB Inspiration:  Unforgiveness

I had never felt more rebuked than I had in that moment that I even managed to smile that smile when something profound occurs to you. 
How in the world did I get to thinking that holding on to a grudge or an offence would in any way make a difference in the life of the person I’m angry at?

It’s just a sense of entitlement and pride that got me to think that if I hold on to the anger a little while longer, then they would notice and come begging.

Which brings another question, “What if they don’t?”  
What am I going to do about it if they won’t come to speak to me or apologize for what they have done to me?


There is absolutely nothing I can do to make them do what I want or realize that I was hurt by their actions or inaction so the longer I hold on to it, the more the anger and hurt destroys the beautiful person that I am.

We need to stop holding on to the pains and anger that other people inflicted on us, and I can tell you it is difficult to just forgive…but that’s what God wants us to do, innit?

Let it all go, my darling. Cry, scream, hurl things, slam the door shut…anything that would make you feel better so long as you ensure that you’re rid of the unforgiveness afterwards.

JIB Inspiration:  Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness is so destructive that I heard "Forgiveness Therapy" is now part of the treatments for Cancer. If the negativity that comes can be as degenerative as aiding the growth of cancerous cells, then haba! I'm sure it's not that deep.

I know how hard it is to let go of the hurts especially when they have festered for a long while, but I promise that it’s more rewarding to forgive and experience the freedom that comes with this noble act. 

Most of the posts I put up here are actually stuff I struggle with in my own life and how the Holy Spirit is gradually helping me overcome these issues. 
No one is perfect really but as we strive to perfection, let’s do our utmost to travel without unnecessary baggage of unforgiveness. 

JIB Inspiration:  Unforgiveness

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