
DailyPills: Grace To Grace by Hillsong


Anchor Song: Grace To Grace
Artist: Hillsong
URL: http://tinyurl.com/h2b3w6w

There are two classes of people working very hard; those that believe they are better than everyone else and want to prove that point by beating everyone else, while the second class are those that believe God has empowered them just like He did to everyone else, and they are working hard to show what God has done in them so others can take a cue.

1 Corinthians 15:10 - Today I am who I am because of God’s grace, and I have made sure that the grace He offered me has not been wasted. I have worked harder, longer, and smarter than all the rest; but I realize it is not me—it is God’s grace with me that has made the difference[VOICE].

Say the truth, don't you just love this kind of grace? Grace that reminds you when you are tired that you have what it takes to finish the race, grace that reminds you when confused that you are not alone. Grace that helps you not to look down on others even when you are high above them, but helps you find ways of lifting those around you.

Grace is not an enemy of hard work, actually, it seems to me that they are very good friends. So when the going gets tough and you want to ask for grace, why not to ask for grace to push to the end and surpass expectations instead of asking for grace to get the full reward even though you quitted halfway through.

Now that I know that this is how grace works, I am so sure that I want all that I'd ever be, to be by the grace of God, what about you? God Bless You!

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