Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: The Blessing by John Waller

DailyPills: The Blessing by John Waller


Anchor Song: The Blessing
Artist: John Waller
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hh4946e

I hope you realize that God Himself is the father of change? When God brings us into a good land, a place of comfort, when He opens a door of blessing into us, most times we always expect God to remain in that place forever. But God is not static, so when God moves, you move.

God moved the children of Israel to Egypt in a time of famine, compared to where they we're coming from, it was way more comfortable, but a time also came it was time to leave. Malachi 3:6 says - "For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed[ESV].

One can think that the verse above means God will always show up the same way He always shows up in our lives, but I don't think that's what He's talking about. God doesn't change, YES, which means you can always trust Him to show up for you, but He reserves the right to change how He shows up. This means the fact that the last blessing came through your uncle/aunty doesn't mean the next one would come through the same vessel.

Whenever we limit God to a particular channel, we develop a tendency to create idols for ourselves. Therefore, your boss is not the blessing, your job is not the blessing, your connection is not the blessing, God is. Hence, no matter where you go, as long as your are being led by the Spirit of God, the blessing must follow you. God Bless You!

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