Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Chasing Me Down by Israel & New Breed, Tye Tribbett

DailyPills: Chasing Me Down by Israel & New Breed, Tye Tribbett


Anchor Song: Chasing Me Down
Artist: Israel & New Breed, Tye Tribbett
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hm3wgmb

Did you ever play the game "catcher" when you we're much younger? You now, kids actually have some funny ways of catching fun.I'm sure I won't find the game interesting now that I'm much older, but then, it was fun running after different people until you are able to catch one of them, and whoever gets caught would then become the "chaser".

So I started listening to this song by two music masters and it just reminded me of that game, backed up with the very popular Psalms 23:6 - Certainly Your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me where I go, always, everywhere. I will always be with the Eternal, in Your house forever[VOICE].

You know, when we say "Surely good and mercy shall follow me", it seems we often have a mental picture of a passive following, but listening to this song seems to change that perception. God's goodness and mercies are not just passively following you as spectators, they are actually "chasing you down", aggressively.

Just in case you don't know, no matter the number of steps you take running away from God, it actually takes one step to come back. Why? Because all the while you were running away, God's goodness and mercies kept chasing you down. The only thing they won't do is force themselves on you, but even in the worst conditions, they'd always come close enough for you to see them.

Therefore, always remember that at every point in your life, at every moment of need, whatever the need may be, God's goodness and mercies are chasing you down to give you all you need. God Bless You!

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