
DailyPills: Simply Redeemed by Brian Courtney Wilson


Anchor Sing: Simply Redeemed
Artist: Brian Courtney Wilson
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zx9yh6o
One of those things we seem to forget after we give our lives to Christ is the fact that Jesus didn't save us because we attained perfection, He did because we accepted His justification.
If there is one thing that has got me glued to this song over the years, it's this line that keeps reoccurring, "I'm not perfect, simply redeemed". When you hear such a line from a guy who's music feels like a Luther Vandross without the baritone, I guess the smoothness of the music enhances reflection and makes those words sink in.
The idea of redemption takes its start from the thought of property,  Money is paid according to law to buy back something which must be delivered or rescued. For example, say an art work has been in your family for generation, and somehow, it got sold by a member of your family, then you go to the new owner to buy it back, that is redemption. The aim of redemption can only be to bring men to the fullest use and enjoyment of their powers.
Titus 2:14 - He died under God’s judgment against our sins so that he could rescue us from constant falling into sin and make us his very own people, with cleansed hearts and real enthusiasm for doing kind things for others[TLB]. Therefore, if God could love you enough to have Jesus die for you when you were a complete sinner, I don't think He'd stop loving you now even when you make a mistake. Don't let your imperfections discourage you from enjoying God's love, just know that you are simply redeemed. God Bless You!
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