
DailyPills: Lord Jesus Help Me by Commissioned


Anchor Song: Help Me Lord Jesus
Artist: Commissioned
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zev2l2j
So what's the point of a relationship if sex is not involved? There was a time when almost every youth/teenager's meeting in churches seemed like a sex education class, but I promise you this will be different.
"Is it possible to have a relationship without sex in this time and age" was the question asked on a radio relationship show yesterday, while most people said a capital NO, very few said yes with lots of buts. The popular notion was, since times have changed, then it must be old school to aim for a sex free relationship.
If I may bring this reminder, the reason why we "say no to sex" before marriage is not because of diseases or unwanted pregnancy, it is because God, the Creator of sex says it is wrong, hence improved contraceptives can not make it right. Now, if you say God must have changed His mind by now, then how can you argue that He hasn't changed His mind about homosexuality, and made that too acceptable? Also, if God just changes His mind at will, then how are you sure you won't get to the gates of heaven and the angel will tell you that God has changed His mind about letting you in?
I admit,  it's harder these days avoid sex, and the more attractive you are, the more it comes knocking on your door. However, Romans 5:20 says - God’s law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God’s wonderful grace became more abundant[NLT]. I believe this verse is also saying, that as sin becomes more rampant, God makes more grace available to those who desire to stay without sin. Hence, if you desire it,  there is grace available to wait till you get married, just ask God for it. Please know that there are people who still believe it's possible to have a sex free relationship, and we are not busy pointing fingers at those who don't, but busy asking God for the grace to obey this part of His command. Gos Bless You!
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