DailyPills: Point Of Difference by Hillsong


Anchor Song: Point Of Difference
Artist: Hillsong
URL: http://tinyurl.com/gt54vf7
If I have to tell you the honest truth, it seems Mark Zuckerberg's visit left me sad somehow. Actually, I was happy when I heard MZ was in town, and the simplicity that defined his visit also made it all make more sense. However, my happiness started to gradually evaporate as I read various comments made by my fellow youths.
Just imagine, MZ was in town, a young man who has become one of the top 10 richest people on earth before his 30th birthday. He did it not by holding any political position or government office, but by solving a problem in the society with his skill, yet all many of us could come up with from his visit are new punch lines to use on the government for the state of our economy. Can I ask you a question, when will you get to the point where you'd take responsibility for the economy of your nation?
I know most people would argue that there's nothing wrong taking a swing at the government and getting a good laugh out of it, but I'd only agree with you when these 2 verses are certified wrong; For a man’s heart determines his speech[Matthew 12:34b-TLB] and, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he[Proverbs 23:7a-KJV].
The saddest thing I can deduce from most of the joke I read these days is that it seems like most people think the state of the economy is an excuse for the lack of pursuit of a dream. As important as good economic policies are, it is not impossible to start without them, just look for the easiest problem in the path of your passion and start solving. Just think about it, if succeeding in a tough economy is impossible, then Mr Strive Masiyiwa, the chairman of the Econet group should not be one of the richest men in Africa because he's from Zimbabwe. Please, be like Mr Strive, forget the government and solve a problem. God Bless You!
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