
DailyPills: Because He Lives by Matt Maher


Anchor Song: Because He Lives
Artist: Matt Mayer
URL: http://tinyurl.com/guqxzrm
When you download an app e.g WhatsApp  from any of the app stores and install it on your phone, you automatically have access to all the features in that app. Even if you don't have any knowledge of programming, it doesn't stop you from using the app because all you need has been programmed by the developer.
Likewise, when Jesus came to die for the world, God was a developer/programmer, creating what the life of a Christian would look like. When Jesus went to the cross, died and rose on the 3rd day, the "app" was complete and ready to be launched. On the day of Pentecost, the "app" was launched, 120 believers were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Now, look through your phone, there are several apps you have but don't use, and those apps can't use themselves, so they remain dormant. Those unused apps might even be very good at one thing or another, but they are just there. Likewise, receiving the Holy Spirit brings both the nature and victory of Jesus into your life, but you need to engage the Holy Spirit for you to enjoy all the features. I'm saying God installs everything Jesus is and did for you into your life by Grace in the "app" called the Holy Spirit, but if you don't engage/use the features of that "app" through faith, all God has done in you might not show through you. Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God[ESV].
Therefore, if you want to be more like Jesus in any and every area of your life, engage the Holy Spirit, His job is to work out in you, everything Jesus is, so that you can be all you were made to be. God Bless You!
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