Hearts and Crafts: Love is Food....and Food is Love

Love is Food....and Food is Love


Food and Love

It is frequently said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach; who else has wondered if this statement means all men are gluttons foodies?

Jesus Christ asked Simon Peter in John 21 three times if he loved Him (Jesus Christ); and when Simon Peter responded the third time, He told him, “Feed my sheep”.

There it is again, folks! Love and Food…
This sparked up another train of wonderment thoughts on maybe there is truly a connection between food and love.

Stay with me on this.

During my research *clears throat*, using my 3 year old energetic neighbour’s son as my case study, I realized that there was indeed a link between love and food. When Michael wakes from sleep, he just sits and stares into space. He won’t speak to anyone, if you tried to play with him, he begins to cry; this could go on for however long it takes for food to appear. Once he has eaten, he returns to default setting; which is being all over the place like the average young child with no cares in the world.
The need for food can be compared to the need for love; it is a tiny prod that keeps reminding one that there is a special person for him/her somewhere on planet earth. There is an emptiness that should be filled and until it is filled, we usually feel as though something is missing.

Little Michael always wants to eat yam (boiled, fried, roasted), but his mom decides what she feeds him now. I imagine that in a few years to come, he would come to understand that he can not always have yam and whenever he is hungry, he answers a few questions before he has to eat.
Questions like what kind of food should I eat? Home made or Restaurant/Fast food? How much money am I willing to part with in exchange for this food that I want to eat?

Food and Love

That is exactly the process that goes into finding love or building a successful relationship. One needs to be specific in what best suits our needs and satisfies this ‘hunger’ or yearning for love. There must be questions that one has answered satisfactorily; a lot of Whys, Whats and "Which-s" that helps us to cut right to what’s important and what’s not.

I recently started asking the question, “WHY?” when someone says they’d like to get to know me better. The response I get is how I’m able to tell if it’s a GO or a NO-GO. That’s because in my opinion, the connection between love and food is the importance of consistent feeding; so I ask why to know if this party is here to feed me, get fed by me or just waste my food time all together. 

Food and Love

In a healthy relationship, there should be a lot of feeding going on; feeding each other’s thoughts, stomach, morale, heart, business…just plain motivating each other to achieve set goals and aspirations. Like how we need to continue to eat so as not to become hungry, in the natural lifetime of any relationship, feeding has to be continuous and consistent. If you feed the belly, they feed your ego esteem or feeling of self-worth ; if you provide valuable services, you get money in return; if he feeds your ‘account’, you feed him ideas to increase that estate; if he provides a house, I turn it into a  peace and comfort base, a refuge that he longs to return to; if they provide investment, we make sure they get back returns.

Food and Love

We just keep feeding each other so that we both look robust and healthy, our relationship is beautiful and everyone wants what we have. We try our hardest to maintain a balance so that no matter what we eat, one doesn’t end up looking malnourished while the other is obese. We steadily strive to ensure that we keep satisfying that hunger, feeding the need as often as is required so that ulcer doesn’t sneak up and begins to disrupt this jolly love we’ve groomed.


So who's hungry for love? Then answer the questions that would help you narrow down what you need to satisfy you, afterwards ensure you're ready to feed and be fed!

Hugs and kisses Knuckles!

Picture Credits: Facebook.com

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