
DailyPills: Show Yourself Strong by Fred Hammond


Anchor Song: Show Yourself Strong
Artist: Fred Hammond
URL: http://tinyurl.com/h4pljg5
I think young Christians really need to start asking themselves serious questions like; if indeed our father, God, is so powerful, then why is it that business and the corporate world is largely dominated by people who are not so "God minded"? Please, just before you say my assumption is wrong, tell me how many fortune 500 company CEOs you know that publicly professed Christianity.
I remember that the first commandment God gave to Adam was to go and multiply and then have DOMINION over the earth. So, is it that that commandment doesn't include the business world, or the validity period of the commandment has expired? I'm asking these questions because I long to see the manifestation of the sons of God, I.e I long to see people like YOU run/lead businesses in such a way that the world will know just like they did in the time of Joseph and Daniel that only the Living God could have done this.
Matthew 5:45 - In that way you will be acting as true sons of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust too[TLB]. This verse shows a character of God, which is the fact that when something enters the earth, He doesn't discriminate on who it will work for, anyone that applies the principle gets the result. So even if a Christian gets a new concept, an idea from God, an unbeliever can learn and work it, and God in His faithfulness won't stop it from working. So why don't we have so much Christians leading the corporate world? It has to be that there is a disconnection between our faith and the work of our hands, and for the few that have made the connection, we don't learn and build on their principles. Please find a balance between your faith and the work of your hands that doesn't involve God doing everything for you, but does everything through You. I think YOU can be one of the next business leaders in the world, but do you think you can? God Bless You!
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