DailyPills: 20/20 by Group 1 Crew


[Anchor Song: 20/20, Artist: Group 1 Crew, URL: http://tinyurl.com/ze524o8 ]
Ever heard the term 20/20 vision? This is a term used to express your ability to see normally. If you have a 20/20 vision, it means you have the ability to see what your eyes should normally see from 20 feet away with the right clarity and sharpness.
I was really looking forward to Group 1 Crew's latest album - Power, and from the very first time I listened, the song titled "20/20" just somehow sank deep. Just think about this section of the lyrics: "What if the broken me was really your masterpiece; And everything wrong I see, you've made right; I know that your love redeems, you'll finish the work in me; I am made perfectly in your eyes.
Most of us know the verse that says our light troubles work for us an eternal weight of glory, but the next verse which is often ignored says, 2 Corinthians 4:18 - We set our eyes not on what we see but on what we cannot see. What we see will last only a short time, but what we cannot see will last forever[NCV].
You and I need to develop a different kind of 20/20 vision when we give our lives to Christ, one in which we learn to focus on the promises we see in the Bible and build our clarity and sharpness around it. It's important you fall in love with what you see in your Bible about yourself because that is how your "vision" gets clearer, till you get to the point where it feels so real even when there is no evidence yet. Your aim should be getting to the point where you see what God had in mind when He created you, then see yourself becoming that person. That, is the real 20/20. God Bless You!
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