DailyPills: Abeemo by Kenny Kore


Anchor Song: Abeemo
Artist: Kenny Kore
URL: http://tinyurl.com/jp55bjn
Just imagine having an Uncle who is a senior advocate and has a very big law firm, then one day you run into trouble and your uncle doesn't help, not even with legal advice, won't you feel like having such an uncle in your life is of no use? Or consider a man who's brother is one of the foremost heart surgeons in the country, then the man develops a heart condition and that his brother is no where to be found, won't that appear to be pure wickedness?
Likewise, if being a Christian is all about "hustling" your way through earth without any supernatural help whatsoever, waiting till you get to heaven before God can help you, then how does that show God's faithfulness and love for us? 1 Corinthians 15:19 says -  And if being a Christian is of value to us only now in this life, we are the most miserable of creatures[TLB]. I know this verse means that beyond the life we live on earth, Christianity extends to the life after death. However, I'd like you to also think of that verse this way; if all the hope we have is the help we can get in this life, if we can only draw value from this physical world around us, doesn't that make us the most miserable?
You and I need to be conscious that our resources are not limited to this world, our wisdom is not limited to what our brain can wrap itself around,  and our network is not limited to the number of people we have met. We have God as our present help in times of need. Just in case you don't know, God's help is available to you today, just as much as it was available to Jesus when He walked the face of the earth. So, you can decide to hustle your way through all by yourself, or ask for help from the One who always knows the right step to take. God Bless You!
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