Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Who Am I by Casting Crowns

DailyPills: Who Am I by Casting Crowns


Anchor Song: Who Am I 
Artist: Casting Crowns 
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hrfu7cn 
Jackie Chan was a house hold name back then, in fact if you don't know Jackie Chan or haven't seen any of his movies, I think you should add Uncle every time you call my name #lol. Well, one of his most popular movies is "Who Am I" and I remember everyone couldn't just get enough of it. I can't remember everything in detail, but I remember Jackie had an helicopter crash in a forest, fall off several trees and by the time he was rescued and taken to the hospital, it was discovered that he had lost his memory. As a result of this loss of memory, the first thing Jackie said to anyone he saw "Who am I". You see, there was a big difference between the man before the crash and the man after the crash because the man after the crash didn't even know who he was, he didn't know what he owned and what he didn't own, he didn't know who he was superior to, he knew nothing, and as such went around attaching little or no worth to himself. 
As this flashed through my mind, I couldn't help but wonder how many Christians have forgotten or have never even known who they are, hence they go around without any sense of value. Psalms 8:4-5 says - what is a mortal that you remember him or the Son of Man that you take care of him? You have made him a little lower than yourself. You have crowned him with glory and honor[GW]. This is one if those verses that just burst your head, imagine how awesome and magnificent God is and then to think that this verse says God made you a little lower than Himself. Which means that as much as you can't do all that God can do, you equally some level of awesomeness and magnificence buried within you. I don't know about you but thinking about it makes me feel good, and the plan is to move from feeling good about it to living it. These are the kinds of things God has made available to you and I, but if you don't know, then how can you be? God Bless You! 
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#Thre3CourseMusic #DailyPills #SimpleTruth #GoodMusic 

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