
DailyPills: I Need A Word by Smokie Norful


Anchor Song: I Need A Word 
Artist: Smokie Norful 
URL: http://tinyurl.com/h6e4ku8 
As the Holy Spirit says, “If you hear God speak today, don’t be stubborn - Hebrews 3:7. The truth is that you hear, you actually do hear God speak, but the question is how often do you obey? Like everything else in the natural, practice makes perfect, and so it is when it comes to identifying God's voice. Most times when you have strong impressions to do something after hearing the word, do you follow that impression or do you just shrug it off. 
I know someone might want to ask, so how are you sure every strong impression is from God? Well, it's true you can't be sure, at least not yet, but there is no way you'd know if you never follow through with it. The voice within becomes louder when you obey, therefore the advantage of obedience is that you know if it's God talking or not, and the next time it comes, it becomes louder and clearer. 
So, let's start this way, if you want God to speak to you then go to service with an expectation, that desire to hear Him speak, and I believe He'd say something, then that which He says to you, even if it doesn't seem to make much sense, do it. Remember, filling the pots of wine with water didn't makes sense at first, but you know what happened when they obeyed. His words doesn't have to make sense, His words create sense. God Bless You! 
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