Hearts and Crafts: DailyPills: Lucky Ones by Lecrae

DailyPills: Lucky Ones by Lecrae


Anchor Song: Lucky Ones
Artist: Lecrae
URL: http://tinyurl.com/hsjk663
Finally read Dr. Tony Rapu's father's day letter to his daughters, and I have to agree that it is indeed a beautiful letter, in fact I added my blush to the hundreds of thousands of third parties blushing over the letter. When I read such things, I also like to go through the comments below to get the perception of fellow readers like me, and while I was going through the comments below the letter on Bellanaija, I saw one that simply spoke about how lucky the ladies are to have such a father, and for some reason it resonated with me.
You see, I'm sure there are several other ladies that are wishing they had a father like Dr. Tony or even something close. We can't deny the fact that there are people in the world who are looking for someone to protect them from members of their own families. People who have suffered the most abuse from their own father, mother or brother. Even as adults, some are yet to recover from such experiences, the memory clinging so tight they can almost tell every detail of it.
For some weeks now, my teacher has been explaining what it means when we say God is a God of justice, which basically means He is the one that balances out the scales of life. You see, our varying life experiences may make it seem like life appears unfair to some, we are tempted to consider some lucky and other unlucky, but the truth is that at the end of the day, the God of Justice finds a way to level out the imbalance. For example, 100m and 10000 creates a balance for different kinds of people to win gold at the Olympics. Isaiah 51:3 says - So the Lord will comfort Jerusalem; he will show mercy to those who live in her ruins. He will change her deserts into a garden like Eden; he will make her empty lands like the garden of the Lord . People there will be very happy; they will give thanks and sing songs[NCV]. Hence, God is waiting to balance the scale in every area you've ever felt disadvantaged,  and the day to accepted Jesus, you became one of the lucky ones on earth. God Bless You!
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