
DailyPills: At Calvary by Casting Crowns


Anchor Song: At Calvary
Artist: Casting Crowns
URL: http://tinyurl.com/ha8cdmh
I think it's time we changed the universal method of asking out ladies. Who even came up with this idea of smooth talking and playing "Mr Nice guy"? Why not let's work with verifiable data instead. You see, in this age and time where there is so much talk about divorce, domestic violence and the likes, won't it be nice to use all the available data we have on this to our[the guys'] advantage.
So I'm saying you walk up to that lady that's been forming for you, it's okay to do this over lunch or dinner, let's still leave that part of the process. So you approach the lady, and instead of trying to woo her with sweet words and kind gestures, you give her the fact and figures on divorce and domestic violence, then let her know she runs the risk of being a part of the number if she let's you go. Make sure you gather as much information as you possibly can before doing this, and I'm sure a few striking examples of domestic violence and painful divorce would come in handy. Don't you think this approach would yield more results?
To every one who feels offended already, especially the ladies, I'm very sorry. I actually do not mean it, but I needed that example to draw comparison with the way I hear most people preach the Gospel this days. Now, this is not to say I have the right to tell anyone how to preach, and I must also commend that effort to even share the good news with someone, which many are not doing. But then, I often here many preachers trying to strike fear within people, focusing so much on the works of the devil, demons, witches and the likes. So I'd like to ask, would striking fear in lady's heart help you win her love?
1 John 4:18 says - No fear exists where his love is. Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear, because fear involves punishment. The person who lives in fear doesn’t have perfect love[GW]. I know there is something called the wrath of God, but let me just remind you that the Bible didn't say for God had so much wrath for the world, it said for God so love the world. Love is the answer, live it, preach it. God Bless You!
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