
DailyPills: Lead Me On by Amy Grant


Anchor Song: Lead Me On
Artist: Amy Grant
URL: http://tinyurl.com/gsvnhxg
Have you heard that every thing that is a disadvantage to you naturally is a spiritual advantage? That was one of the lessons I got out of yesterday's class with my teacher, and it's one of those things I'd definitely want to keep in front of my mind.
You see, God always wants to get the glory through the events in our lives, and a major way He does that is by making logical impossibilities happen, i.e doing things that do not add up logically. For example, when Sarah, a 90yrs old woman gave birth to a child, there was no logical way to explain it other than to say God did it, or when Mary conceived as a virgin, you can't explain it without taking it back to God. When a prisoner suddenly became the prime minister, you just couldn't argue that it wasn't God at work.
Psalms 30:11 says - You changed my sorrow into dancing. You took away my clothes of sadness, and clothed me in happiness[NCV].
Therefore, let's say a young lady had a baby in secondary school, I'm saying every disadvantage that could have resulted from that can be completely turned by God into an advantage. Similarly, imagine  someone who didn't get a good education for whatever reason can look to God, and God will show up such that the person never gets to regret not having an education. So, I don't know where you have felt disadvantaged in life, but this is what I can tell you, that same thing is your advantage in hands of God. God Bless You!
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