
DailyPills: Casting Crowns by Nathaniel Bassey


Anchor Song: Casting Crowns
Artist: Nathaniel Bassey
URL: http://tinyurl.com/zny65gm

If there is one thing I'd like to plead with you to do today, and every other worship time that you have, it will be to practice to the best of your abilities, what this song says. It's really simple, it says "casting crowns, lifting hands, bowing down - is all we've come to do".

One of the things every soldier knows, is the fact that every battle fought, is fought on behalf of the king/president. Hence, the victory of every battle also belongs to the king. I believe that is one of the major reasons why the President of every country is also referred to as the "commander in chief of the armed forces".

Likewise, every opportunity to worship God is another opportunity to pledge our allegiance to Him as our very own commander in chief, where as His soldier, we cast the crowns of every victory we have because we know we couldn't have done it without Him. 2 Timothy 2:3 says - Share in the troubles we have like a good soldier of Christ Jesus[NCV].

According to my teacher, it is important to cast every crown because doing that protects the crown. Casting our victories before God means acknowledging God is the owner, which means anyone who wants to either steal or damage it would have to first collect it from God. Also, it's hard for pride to settle in the heart of that person the regularly casts crowns before God, because when you look at yourself, all you'd see is what Jesus has done. God Bless You!

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  1. God bless you. This was the read I needed for tonight. I truly thank God for your life! Thank you

  2. God bless you. This was the read I needed for tonight. I truly thank God for your life! Thank you


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