
DailyPills: Greater Is Coming by Jekakyn Carr


Anchor Song: Greater Is Coming 
Artist: Jekalyn Carr 
I totally agree with those that said that majority of the people carrying the smartest phones use less than 10% of the phone's capacity. I'm not calling any names o, but majority of a certain specie of people that own an iPhone only make calls and snap pictures with it. Haven't you even noticed that many of the cases made for Apple products are made in a such a way that the Apple logo remains visible for all to see? I guess those making them have realized that many of their customers want everyone to know they are using an Apple device without being told, but that doesn't mean they have maximized the functions on that device. 
Likewise, many of us are very happy to brandish the tag "born again", we are glad to tell the world about it which is quite commendable, but then, how well have you maximized this privilege? How much impact has being born again had in every area of your life? 
John 14:12 says -  I tell you the truth, whoever believes in me will do the same things that I do. Those who believe will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father[NCV]. Look closely at that verse, Jesus said those that believe in Him will do the works that He did, then He went further saying those that believe *no "in Me" added*, will do greater works than He did. This suggest that the minimum standard for anyone who is born again is to operate at the level Jesus did, then if you can believe, you can go further than that. Jesus wouldn't have said these things if He wasn't sure of what being Born Again adds to your life. So, will you just continue carrying the name, or are you also interested in maximizing the potentials, the choice is yours. God Bless You! 
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