
Entrepreneurial Series: The Rhonkefella Makeover


The Rhonkefella Makeover

Recently, I started an Entrepreneurial series featuring the amazing products of entrepreneurs who
have either been featured on this blog or whose crafts we admire. If you missed that post, please click here to find out who was featured last time.
Today, we bring you another of such amazing entrepreneurs doing more and making much more from the work of their hands. We featured Ms Aderonke Enoabasi Adefalujo of The Rhonkefella Makeover last year on here and her interview bore testament to the depth, humility, professionalism, passion and absolute commitment of a beautiful young woman set to make a great impact in her generation. 
On this week's entrepreneurship series, please give it up for the truly amazing makeovers by ProMUA, The Rhonkefella Makeover.
*inserts applause, screams, whistles, standing ovation*
The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

The Rhonkefella Makeover

Absolutely GORGEOUS FACE BEATS by the Rhonkefella Makeover, right?! 
If you want to slay and own it, then the Rhonkefella Makeover is for you because this business beholds the key to SLAYAGE. 
Yessir!!! *nods slowly*

For more details on how to get glammed and slaying by this professional makeup artist, here are her contact details:

Mobile Number: 07067433450
Email: aderonkeadefalujo@yahoo.com
Instagram: @rhonkefellamakeover@therealrhonkefella        
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RHONKEFELLA


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