
DailyPills: Different by Tasha Page Lockhart


Anchor Song: Different 
Artist: Tasha Page Lockhart 
It is quite important we note that while the Bible is the textbook by which we live, the practicals of this textbook are carried out in our day to day lives, on the streets, in the office, in traffic, everywhere in fact. Proverbs 6:6 says - You lazy fool, look at an ant. Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two[MSG]. This verse goes to show that nothing is too small to learn from, especially when it is God's word that is fueling that knowledge. 
So, I was thinking about the Nigerian music scene, not just Gospel music, but the entire music industry, and I think we can learn a thing or two from there. I get to listen to the radio a lot at the office*which I mostly find annoying because I get to hear a lot of rubbish*. However, this thought crossed my mind sometime ago; do you agree that many of these supposed music stars would have failed big time if they had attempted stardom through any of these reality TV shows? But then, I'm sure you know many of those same guys have made a fortune in music. That tells me that if you are waiting for someone to validate what you have[your dreams] before you believe in it, you might miss out on some big things God has planned for you. Don't be afraid to dream differently, who knows, your new idea might just be the next big thing. Follow your heart, find that opportunity to do things the way your heart tells you and let the world be the judge, and not just a few people that you believe should know better. Remember, you are not rewarded for what makes you similar to everyone else, you are rewarded for what makes you different from everyone else. 
God Bless You! 
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