
DailyPills: Shine On Us by Josh Wilson


Anchor Song: Shine On Us 
Artist: Josh Wilson 
When a very beautiful object is placed in a dark room, does that object lose it's beauty? No! However, the beauty of that object goes unappreciated because of the darkness in the room. Also, if you have to look at the mirror in a dark room using a torch as the source of light, where do you point the torch, on the mirror or on yourself? *chorus answer: yourself* 
Having the above illustration in mind, let's consider Isaiah 60:2 - Darkness now covers the earth; deep darkness covers her people. But the Lord shines on you, and people see his glory around you[NCV].  So, can you see that the ever increasing darkness around doesn't have to affect you when God shows up in your life? I mean, you can keep shining even when everyone else has one complaint or the other. 
Now, I don't want you to just think about the devil, witches, demons or anything like that when you hear darkness, what about lack of ideas, concepts and innovation in difficult seasons. Every economic season comes with new challenges, and no matter how difficult it appears, the truth is that it also comes with new ways of generating wealth, but if a person doesn't know what to do at such times, then I guess it's safe to say the person is in the "dark". But why have a God who sets the times and seasons as your father if He won't show you the secrets behind it? And what happens if He's trying to show you but you ain't looking in His direction? 
Therefore, understand that everything about you is beautiful, God couldn't have given birth to a "woowo"(ugly) child, what you need is light for your beauty to show forth, and there is no better place to get it than with Jesus. God Bless You! 
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