
DailyPills: God Can by James Fortune


Anchor Song: God Can
Artist: James Fortune
URL: http://tinyurl.com/goa93g7
Let’s even assume that, just like the master that gave his servants talents before travelled and came back to see what they did with it, Jesus also comes back to do the same with you and I, have you bothered to consider what you will say on the line? Yes, I know, while some of us are too afraid to think about activities that would surround rapture, some that even try to think about it only think about the lounging that would be going down in heaven.
Luke 19:17 says - 'Fine!' the king exclaimed. 'You are a good man. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, and as your reward, you shall be governor of ten cities.'[TLB] Now, think about it, do you think that servant that did nothing with the talent he was given would have acted like that if he knew that trading with the small talent would have earned rulership of 10 cities? Following the same thought pattern, do you know the king of opportunities God has laid up for you if only you will take the talents he has placed in and around you much more seriously?
Five loaves and two fish must have been nothing too, but when Jesus held it it became a testimony that would last eternity. I believe there are things in your space right now that God has placed there to open up you up to supernatural activities, what you have in your hand might be small, but you can’t tell the harvest God will produce from it if you never put it to use. God Bless You!
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